

Behavior Insights, Inc. provides a unique level of assessment that determines appropriate educational programs. Professional behavior analysts conduct a variety of comprehensive assessment to determine why an individual may engage in certain behaviors that inhibit him/her from accessing information in the educational setting. We also evaluate environmental factors to determine what may support and what may detract from the individual’s ability to be successful. Here at Behavior Insights, Inc. we understand what it takes to evaluate and implement appropriate programs to help individuals reach their greatest potential. Below you will find the variety of assessments that we currently offer.

Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA)

A series of direct observations of the individual will be done in a variety of environments. Interviews of parents, teachers, support staff, and any other important individuals will also be conducted. This will ensure that information from all sources will be considered within the assessment and recommendation process. Once this step of the process is complete, all information will be compiled to identify the environmental factors that may contribute to the disruptive or interfering behaviors.  Based on this information, recommendations will be made on the necessary replacement or alternative behaviors.  Recommendations will also be given on necessary environmental supports and the most appropriate means to measure progress once the recommendations are implemented.

Inclusion Assessment

Observations of the individual will be conducted to determine the least restrictive environment for individuals in various grade levels (K-12).  The assessment will provide information and recommendations on the most appropriate instructional setting for the individual to access academic curriculum with the necessary accommodations and/or modifications. Recommendations may also be given to determine what level of support the individual may require in order to successfully access the least restrictive environment.  

Social Skills Assessment

A variety of evidence-based rating scales will be utilized in combination with direct observation of the individual in social settings will be conducted.  The information provided through the assessment process will be complied and recommendations will be made regarding areas of strength and areas of need.  This information can be utilized to determine potential areas of additional instruction, needed goals, evidence-based generalization practices, and how often the student should be receiving social skills instruction.

The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS-R)

The ABLLS-R is a skills-based assessment protocol that is designed to determine current levels of functioning for individuals in the area of language, school readiness, academics, self-help, social skills, and a variety of other important areas.  It is most commonly used to help develop customized teaching strategies in the school and home setting to assist in the acquisition of language and other needed skills to children with autism and other developmental disabilities.  The ABLLS-R assessment is conducted through observations of an individual in the 25 skills areas.  Information and recommendations will be given to help mediate any identified obstacles that prevent an individual from acquiring new skills.

Instructional Aide Needs Assessment

At times, there may be special circumstances where a student may need the additional assistance of an aide, shadow, or instructional assistant to access the academic curriculum, the school community and/or peer relationships. Behavior Insights, Inc. provides a unique assessment that helps parents and school staff determine if additional support is required to help a student succeed. The assessment includes observing the student in the school environment and determining the potential area(s) of need in the following domains: Health and Personal Care, Behavior, Academics, Independence, and Social Functioning. Based on the information from the observation, recommendations will be made with supporting individualized goals if needed.

We look forward to assisting and providing all the necessary information to help students succeed in school settings.

Behavior Insights
provides state of the art intervention services to children and young adults

Behavior Insights, Inc. offers highly trained behavior analysts who specialize in providing evidence-based services to children and young adults.  We have over a decade of success in teaching children, families and schools strategies and tools to help overcome behavioral challenges.

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