School-Based Services


Due to increasing accountability, school districts and their personnel are now held to rigid standards when servicing individuals with and without disabilities. Much of this accountability is based on the need for evidence-based interventions that include data-based outcome measures. Behavior Insights, Inc. works in collaboration with school districts to ensure that teachers, support staff, and administrators understand and are able to implement programs and interventions that are empirically supported. We pride ourselves in helping school districts provide state of the art programs for all their students. Below you will find the school-based services that we currently offer.


Behavior Insights, Inc. provides consultation to school districts across Southern California and beyond.  We specialize in training school district personnel to successfully utilize evidence-based techniques that will better serve their students with and without disabilities.  Behavior Insights, Inc. employs highly experienced behavioral specialists that enter the school setting and provide consultation services that support district interventions, school-based interventions, classroom interventions, and other specific child interventions. These services are individualized to meet the needs of each specific situation.


As part of our comprehensive services, Behavior Insights, Inc. offers thorough trainings in the areas of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Positive Behavior Support (PBS), and Classroom Management Techniques. Behavior Insights, Inc. is dedicated to providing training in evidence-based interventions that have been proven successful for individuals with and without disabilities. We utilize a variety of enhanced training formats which guarantee that participants will obtain all the essential information. We have designed a continuum of trainings that ranges from basic information on behavior intervention to advanced techniques and assessment for challenging student behaviors and everything in between.

To learn more about our Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) training and resources, please visit

Behavior Technician Aides

Behavior Insights, Inc. now provides highly trained behavior technicians who provide inclusion and behavior intervention services in school settings. Our technicians have experience and training in the following areas: implementing academic accommodations, modifications, teaching learning to learn skills, implementing behavior intervention strategies, Behavior Support Plans and teaching social skills. Behavior Insights, Inc., technicians provide support in a variety of settings. Currently, we have technicians ready to support students in private and public schools, camp settings and after-school programs. All of our behavior technicians are certified Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) or working towards their certification.

Individual case management

Behavior Insights, Inc. also provides individualized services for students with behavioral needs in school settings. Our behavioral specialists will work with children, teachers, and any relevant school personnel to ensure optimal success in the school environment. The professional staff at Behavior Insights, Inc. specializes in collaborating with school personnel in order to maximize student benefits from proposed intervention measures. We have experienced marked success in designing programs for students that can be implemented in a school environment.

Behavior Insights
provides state of the art intervention services to children and young adults

Behavior Insights, Inc. offers highly trained behavior analysts who specialize in providing evidence-based services to children and young adults.  We have over a decade of success in teaching children, families and schools strategies and tools to help overcome behavioral challenges.

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